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Do you want to grow your audience?

Join our Influencer Program to get our models for free!

Terms are Pretty Simple

Similar Content

Presence of previously published, similar content on your Youtube Channel. The food channels or the make-up channels isn't similar, but channels such as Electronics or any Maker Channel are considered similar even though they look different.

Language and Quality

The language and quality of the videos aren't matter, do your best! Good narration and quality content encourage us for greater partnerships. Build details and flight footage should be in your Youtube Videos.

Refer Us

Refer us in your post and include links to the model you are promoting. Include a screen recording showing our website in each video. all links must be from craycle.com.

How does it work?

First, review a free model.

Produce content for any of our free models and send an email stating which paid model you want to promote. That's all! In which category you review a free model, you can request a paid model in the same category.

Video Terms:
1) 10+ Minutes of video time
2) Build Flight and Review included
3) Successful flight scenes

Propeller Spinner V2

Be free to share your thoughts.

You don't need to praise our model for being a sponsor. Constructive criticism will help us improve our models. You can request the next model by sending us your video link at sales@craycle.com after each produced content.

More content, more free models!

After the 4th content, you can request 2 paid stl model for each content. After the 8th content, you can request one of the Printed Kit (with only shipping cost) or 3 paid stl model for each content. After the 12th content, you will access all stl models for free and also you can request any Printed Kit without shipping cost! Also you will be added on our partner list in our website and you will have special privileges.

Sign up to the Influencer Program!

    Reference Video

    YouTube video